Friday 12 October 2012


“I have a problem. I wouldn’t say I’m in a pickle. More like a vinegarized cucumber.”
― Jarod Kintz, At even one penny, this book would be overpriced. In fact, free is too expensive, because you'd still waste time by reading it.

It's going to be festival season AND wedding season soon. This simple salad is perfect for giving your tummy a break from the avalanche of junk coming its way. Make it. Eat it. You can thank me later.

What you’ll need:

2 cucumbers
1 small onion
¼ cup chopped mint

For the dressing:

3 tbsp white vinegar
4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
¼ - ½ tbsp pepper (depending on how much spice you like)
1 tsp sugar

How to:

1. Cut cucumbers in thirds and use a corer to take out the seeds or cut them lengthwise and scoop out the seeds. Cut into slices. Toss with salt and pop in the fridge for 30 minutes.

2. Soak onion in ice water for 10 minutes – this will make the stinky, eyes watering burn of the onion go away.

3. In a bowl mix together the dressing ingredients.

4. In your salad bowl, throw in the cucumber, mint and onion and toss.
Note: Some people have fancy tossing spoons and strange salad tossers but your hands will work just fine - just make sure to wash them first.

5. Pour on dressing. Mix well again.
6. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before serving.



radha said...

I love this! You could even put it between bread slices and have a healthy sandwich.

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